Welcome to Tallawang Solar Farm

A new solar farm project in Australia

Acknowledgement of Country

In planning for Australia's clean energy future, RES acknowledges its rich history. We Acknowledge the WiradjuriPeoples as the Traditional Custodians of the Country on which the Tallawang Solar Farm is proposed. We recognise their ongoing connection to land and waterways, and pay our respects to their Elders past and present. 

The Project

The proposed Tallawang Solar Farm is located within the Mid-West Regional Council area and the Central-West Orana Renewable Energy Zone (REZ). This zone is one of a number of renewable energy zones across NSW that are anticipated to play a vital role in delivering affordable, reliable energy generation to help replace the State’s existing power stations, as they come to their scheduled end of life. Other REZs are located in the New England, South-West, Hunter-Central Coast and Illawarra regions.

The Central-West Orana, New England, and South-West REZs, in particular, are anticipated to open up a significant pipeline of large-scale renewable energy projects that will support private investment and provide flow on economic benefits to communities in these regions.   

An application for Tallawang Solar farm was submitted to DPE in Q2, 2022, and further details can be seen on their website here: https://www.planningportal.nsw.gov.au/major-projects/projects/tallawang-solar-farm 

About RES

RES (Renewable Energy Systems) is a privately owned renewable energy company. Established in Australia in 2004, RES' recent projects include Emerald Solar Farm in QLD, Murra Warra Wind Farm in VIC, Ararat Wind Farm in VIC and Dulacca Wind Farm in QLD. 

To learn more about RES visit our website www.res-group.com