Approval Process
The Tallawang Solar Farm project is being assessed under the State Significant Development planning process. The process is outlined in the figure to the right. Click here to enlarge this image.
As part of this process, RES appointed Umwelt Environmental and Social Consultants to undertake a number of social and environmental studies to inform the development o the project. These studies include the following assessments:
- Noise
- Visual
- Biodiversity
- Heritage
- Water
- Traffic
- Social
- Soils
- Land Use
- Hazard and Risk
- Cumulative impacts
- Technology specific studies
The detailed design of the Project is being determined and shaped by the outcomes of these studies to ensure that impacts are identified and appropriately mitigated, and that the benefits of the Project are shared meaningfully with the local community.
The Development Application for Tallawang Solar Farm was submitted to DPE in Q2, 2022 and was advertised in November 2022 for 28 days. Further details can be seen on their website here:
RES is currently preparing the Response to Submissions, which will include an amendment report. Amendments to the project include the design of a temporary worker’s accommodation facility, solar design & layout changes including increasing the battery to a 500MW 2 hour system, and removal of the overhead transmission line as part of the Project. The Amendment Report will be submitted to the Department of Planning and Environment before the end of 2023.
The application will now be determined by the Independent Planning Commission (IPC).
A comprehensive community engagement program is being implemented in accordance with the NSW DPIE’s Social Impact Assessment Guideline (2023).
As a part of this engagement program RES held drop-in information sessions in Gulgong on 15th and 16th of November 2023 to discuss the proposed worker’s accommodation and other changes to the Tallawang Solar Farm. Information presented at these sessions can be viewed via the Latest Project News page.
How can I be involved?
We continue to seek feedback from project neighbours, relevant local and state government agencies, local businesses, service providers, community groups and interested community members to better understand local views and perspectives.
As technical assessment of the project concludes, community members will be able to view the outcomes of the assessment studies and have further input to planning and development as the Project progresses.
We value your input, so if you would like to receive further information on both or either of the projects, or if you would like to organise a time to meet with members of the Team, please get in contact with the details on the Contact Us page.